Here's How Drinking Warm Water Benefits You!

If you're like most people, you probably start your day by drinking a cup of coffee. But did you know that you could be getting more out of your morning cup of joe if you drank it with hot water instead? Believe it or not, adding hot water to your coffee has a slew of benefits, from improving digestion to helping you lose weight. Keep reading to learn how drinking warm water benefits you!

How Drinking Warm Water Benefits You

A woman holding her belly

1. Aids Digestion

Drinking hot or warm water can help to stimulate bowel movements and improve digestion. It can also help to relieve constipation and bloating.

It is believed that drinking warm water before a meal can help to improve digestion. The theory is that drinking water before eating will help to re-hydrate your body and make it easier for your digestive system to break down food.

If drinking plain hot water before meals does not sound appealing to you, try sipping on a cup of warm water with lemon after your meal instead. The lemon will help to stimulate your digestive system, and the warm water can help to break down any food that's left in your stomach.

2. Relieves Nasal Congestion

Having a cup of hot water with honey and lemon can help to thin out mucus and provide relief from nasal congestion. The combination of the three ingredients can also help to boost your immune system. Holding a warm cup of water and taking in the steam can also help to open up your nasal passages and relieve congestion.

3. Improves Central Nervous System Function

Research has found that drinking warm water can help to improve the function of the central nervous system. It's theorized that the improved function is due to the fact that drinking warm water can help to increase blood flow. This increased blood flow can help to improve the function of the central nervous system and other organs in the body.

4. Relieves Constipation

If you're struggling with constipation, drinking warm water may be a helpful remedy. Warm water can help to stimulate bowel movements and make it easier to pass stool. It's generally recommended that you drink eight glasses of water per day.

However, if you're dealing with constipation, you may need to drink even more. Try slowly sipping on a cup of warm water throughout the day and see if it makes a difference.

5. Keeps You Hydrated

A man about to do a deadlift

You may not always feel thirsty, but that doesn't mean that you're not dehydrated. Dehydration can cause a number of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, and dry skin. Drinking warm water can help to prevent these symptoms by keeping you hydrated.

You may also find that drinking warm water helps you to feel more energetic. That's because when you're dehydrated, your body has to work harder to function properly.

So, next time you're feeling tired, try having a cup of warm water instead of reaching for a cup of coffee. The caffeine in coffee can actually make dehydration worse, so warm water is a better choice if you're looking for a natural energy boost.

6. Reduces Shivering In The Cold

Shivering is the body's natural response to cold temperatures. It helps to generate heat and keep you warm. However, it can also be very energy-consuming.

There's strong scientific evidence to suggest that drinking a hot drink can stop or reduce shivering when you're cold. Having some warm water in your belly raises your body's core temperature, which satisfies your body's heat management responses enough to put the shivers and shakes on pause for a bit.

7. Relieves Symptoms Of Achalasia

Achalasia is a condition that affects the esophagus and makes it difficult to swallow. Symptoms include chest pain, heartburn, and regurgitation.

Drinking warm water may help to relieve some of these symptoms by relaxing the muscles in the esophagus. One study showed that participants who drank warm water had an easier time swallowing than those who were drinking cold water.

According to the researchers: "Cold water could increase LES resting pressure, prolong the contraction duration of esophageal body, and exacerbate achalasia symptoms. Hot water could reduce LES resting pressure, assist LES relaxation, shorten the contraction duration of the esophageal body, and relieve symptoms. Thus achalasia patients are recommended to eat hot and warm food and avoid cold food."

8. Helps With Detoxification

A kettle and a mug on a table

Your body naturally detoxifies itself every day. However, there are certain foods and drinks that can help to support the body's detoxification systems.

Drinking warm water is one way to do this. Warm water can help improve blood circulation and promote sweating, which can help remove toxins from the body. And according to a 2020 study, drinking more water can help safeguard the kidneys while diluting toxic materials in the blood.

9. Decreases Stress Levels

Stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. It can cause a number of symptoms, including anxiety, headaches, and fatigue.

Drinking warm water may help to decrease stress levels and improve your overall sense of well-being. A 2014 study found that people who drank less water reported feeling more agitated. However, those who stay hydrated tend to have better moods and feel more relaxed.

10. Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Drinking warm water may help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

The Arthritis Foundation reports that drinking water is crucial for flushing out your body and preventing inflammation. Additionally, it can help fight gout and keep the joints well-lubricated.

11. Helps Overcome Abdominal Pain During Menstruation

A woman holding a cup of water

Abdominal pain during menstruation is a common problem. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including muscle cramps, bloating, and inflammation. Drinking warm water may help to reduce abdominal pain during menstruation and menstrual cramps.

12. Weight Loss

The science is clear: drink more water if you want to lose weight. This may be because H2O can help stave off hunger pangs. Additionally, water aids in nutrient absorption and flushing out toxins.

According to one study, replacing cold water with hot water might help people lose weight. Researchers discovered that drinking 500 milliliters of water before each meal increased metabolism by 30 percent.

40% of the increase in metabolism was due to raising the water temperature to 98.6 degrees. Following this water intake, this metabolic boost persisted for 30-40 minutes.

13. Improves Dental Health

Consuming hot water is better for your teeth than cold water. Cold water may cause dental fillings to contract and break off, thus destroying dental work. Some experts recommend brushing with warm water, too.

14. Reduces Premature Aging

Premature aging is a concern to everyone, but drinking warm water can help prevent it. Warm water is beneficial in removing toxins from the body and stimulating skin renewal while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles and cracks.

What's The Right Temperature For Drinking Water?

A glass of water being served

While hot drinks like coffee and tea are often served piping hot, it's not necessary to burn yourself in order to enjoy the benefits of hot water. If you don't prefer scalding temperatures, try drinking water that's close to your body temperature instead.

A 2008 study found that the optimal drinking temperature for hot beverages is 136°F (57.8°C). This not only reduces the risk of burns but also provides all the pleasant sensations often associated with hot liquids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much warm water should I drink per day?

A: There is no set amount, but most people can benefit from drinking 1-2 cups of warm water per day. If you are looking to lose weight or have other health concerns, you may want to drink more.

Q: What is the best time to drink hot water?

A: The best time to drink warm water is in the morning. This will help to boost your metabolism and promote fullness. You can also drink warm water before each meal to help with weight loss.

What To Keep In Mind When Drinking Warm Water

An iron kettle in green backdrop

Drinking warm water is generally safe. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be careful not to burn yourself. Water that is too hot can scald you and lead to burns in the throat. Second, if you have GERD or acid reflux, drinking warm water may make your symptoms worse. Water that is too hot can increase the risk of heartburn.

Finally, if you have an infection, drinking warm water may not be the best idea. Drinking hot water can increase your body temperature and make the infection worse.

Generally, it is best to drink warm water that is comfortable to drink. Avoid making it too hot. You can also add a little bit of lemon or honey to your water to make it more palatable.

Bottom Line

Drinking warm water has several health benefits. It can help to improve digestion, reduce stress levels, and promote detoxification. Additionally, it can help with weight loss and reduce inflammation.

Getting into the habit of drinking warm water each day may be easy and only takes a few minutes. However, it can have a major impact on your overall health. Try adding a cup of warm water to your daily routine and see how it makes you feel.

Just be careful not to burn yourself. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor before adding warm water to your diet.

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