Mrs. In10sity's Maca Energy Bites

For those who want to create a better tasting way to take the Maca Powder, and create an interesting dessert at the same time - I have created this to do exactly that. Cheers to creating this healthy, slightly low carb treat that has major benefits...

Maca Energy Bites Recipe

• 1 Cup Almond flour

• 1/2 tsp Maca powder

• 1/2 tsp Cacao powder

• 4 tbsp Almond Butter

• dash of Nutmeg

• 1/4 Coconut Sugar
• 1/2 Coconut Oil


1. In a medium bowl combine ingredients until it appears to have a crumble texture.

2. Take tbsp fulls of your batter in your hands and gently role them, creating balls.

3. Allow to cool on a plate for a few minutes and then serve.

4. Enjoy.