Rapé Tobacco: What Is This Snuff?

Rapé Tobacco: What Is This Snuff?
Some people may be put off the idea of trying this ever-popular health product because it contains tobacco, but we’re here to help any of your questions or concerns about Rapé snuff go up in smoke!
Historically tobacco was considered an extremely powerful medicinal herb within the homoeopathic and spiritual community, and for thousands of years many ethic and tribal groups have used tobacco for its curative properties - considering it to be one of our earth’s most potent restorative substances.
It is wholly possible that you may not have heard of Rapé snuff or Rapé tobacco but with the booming interest in plant medicines and alternative remedies globally, we are seeing an advent of new ingredients – although they aren’t new, they are just new to the mainstream.
Rapé or Rappé (pronounced ‘ha-peh’ or ‘rapay’) is also known as shamanic snuff and is entirely legal within the United States. Those who are passionate about following a more holistic, clean, untainted and ‘woke’ way of living can still partake in Rapé and do so without worry about associated toxins. In fact, most view Rapé snuff in a similar vein to the way in which raw cocoa and coca leaf powders interact with the body, which is why Rapé is fast becoming a more standard component within the health-conscious community.
Aside from its purported health benefits, some use Rapé as an alternative to ‘hard drugs’ due to its stimulating effects, relaxant potentials and suitability for more recreational use.
Back To Nature: How Rapé Is Made

Rapé is often formed from a personalized concoction of ground up snuff and other carefully chosen components; and it is due to this that different blends will result in different effects and varying strengths.
The chief ingredient within Rapé is Nicotiana Rustica (Mapacho) which is not the same strain used within cigarettes (Nicotiana Tabacum).
Nicotiana Rustica is a very potent and strong tobacco with a nicotine content of up-to 5%. The authentic manner in which it is made involves the plant being harvested and dried above a fire, before being ground into a fine powder with a pestle crafted from rosewood which enhances the products final sweet aromatic flavor.
This native snuff, originally indigenous to the tribes of the Amazon and Brazil, is either ingested through a pipe into the nasal cavity or sometimes soaked in water before the infusion is inhaled.
The Grass Roots of Rapé: A Brief History Lesson
Snuff can be traced back around 5000 years - as far back as the Incas - and is still commonly used within Shamanic practice in Brazil and Peru.
The use of     Rapé is a revered spiritual practice within these cultures, in stark contrast to vast percentages of people who use tobacco for more social and casual perfunctory methods.
When Columbus returned to Europe around 500 years ago, he introduced western civilization to tobacco (and Rapé by proxy).
The oldest reported use of Rapé dates back to 1723 when the Incas would use it to aid respiratory issues and ‘cleanse’ the mind, as well as deepening the individual’s spiritual journey and enhancing visions.
Take A Deep Breath: How To Use Rapé

Whilst Rapé contains tobacco, it’s not intended for traditional smoking methods due to the fact that it often also contains other specially selected healing florae.
It is recommended that your first use of Rapé is done with an experienced aid, to ensure that ingestion is done correctly and that you encounter any benefits safely.
A pea-sized amount of Rapé mixture is vigorously blown through the nostril(s) using a specialist pipe regularly made of bone or bamboo. This can be done either as one large blow or a sequence of shorter intense blows.
A tepi pipe is designed for those who are having the Rapé administered for them, or more experienced users will use a kuripe, which enables self-administration.
If You’re Wanting To Stick Your Nose Into The World Of Rapé - Here’s To Expect
Taking Rapé for the first time is not always enjoyable. This is due to the painful effect the substance sometimes can have on your nasal cavity and mucous membranes.
As not all Rapé mixtures are the same and alter with strength, the resulting effects can also vary.
The general series of events are reported as follows:
  • Rapé will enter the nose and infiltrate the bloodstream through your mucous membranes.
  • The reaction will often feel like a ‘jolt’ and occur very quickly.
  • The nicotine receptors within your system will boost the levels of dopamine, acetylcholine and epinephrine within the body.
  • The chemical alteration caused can induce a feeing of relaxation and tranquility, whilst maintaining a level of awareness and alertness.
Some people will also experience watery eyes, an increase in salivation, sneezing, vomiting and/or running nose as the Rapé purges the system.
Is Rapé A Pipe Dream Or Are There Any Health Benefits?

Whilst being classified as a psychotropic treatment, Rapé is reported to have a plethora of healing benefits for mind, body and spirit. Often when the mind is purged, the body will follow suit and vice versa which is why Rapé is considered as having a ‘whole-healing’ approach.
Here’s a rundown on what you could expect:
  • An increase in the clarity of mind, a sheer state of awareness.
  • The absence of / decrease in negative thinking, the quietness of mind and release of tension.
  • A feeling of emotional grounding and the freedom from confusion, uneasiness and overwhelming concern.
  • Users often experience the purging of unwanted elements from the body. The release of toxins and mucus is beneficial for the strength of the immune system and any underlying congestive ailments.
  • The relief from any mental tension will possibly be felt within the body, which can result in a physically tranquil and calm demeanor.
  • The purge on the system can decalcify the pineal gland (also known as the third eye) which can help regulate your sleeping routine. The pineal gland is essential for the health of the nervous system and is thought to have a bearing on maladies such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

The use of tobacco, when mixed with additional healing florae, is used within indigenous tribes for a slew of remedies, with similar benefits also being reported by those who use Rapé recreationally. These include reports of…
  • An increase in the time taken for wounds and ulcers to heal within the body
  • The reduction of fatigue and appetite
  • An increase in physical stamina
  • A decrease in the sensitivity to varying levels of pain
  • An improvement in the ability to breathe more effectively and an improvement in the sense of smell
  • Certain indigenous blends are formulated for combatting the flu, although efficacy is mainly assisted by the use of specially selected herbal elements
  • Large doses of Rapé can promote sweating and vomiting and – when monitored by an expert – can be used to purify the system on a more intense level
  • Alkaloids present within tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica) are said to have antidepressant-like properties
No Smoke Without Fire: The Drawbacks Of Rapé

The biggest hazard with ingesting Rapé is the presence of nicotine within the mixture, especially for those who may have previously (and successfully) quit traditional smoking.
Despite the fact that the use of Rapé snuff is not used in the same way that cigarettes are, those with a proclivity to addiction should be aware.