For thousands of years, humans have used copper as a dietary supplement. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, even recommended copper compounds back in 400 B.C


However, the first recorded use was in the Smith Papyrus, one of the oldest books known to man. The papyrus dates back to 2600 and 2200 BC. It records the use of copper for the sterilization of drinking water and chest wounds. Today, scientists are still learning new information about this element and its effects on the human body.


Function Of Copper


Copper is an essential trace element found in humans and animals. It plays a vital role in the growth and preservation of the blood vessels, arteries, heart, skeleton, and nervous system


It is a component of crucial enzymes known as cuproenzymes. These are enzymes that contain one or more copper atoms. Cytochrome c oxidase, a transmembrane molecule found in the mitochondria of eukaryotes, is also a cuproenzyme.


Aside from Cytochrome c oxidase, lysyl oxidase is another cuproenzyme required for a major function in the human body. Lysyl oxidase helps promote the integrity of connective tissue in the heart and blood vessels. And plays a role in the formation of bones.


Other functions include; 


  • Synthesis of hemoglobin


  • Involved in the production of collagen and the neurotransmitter Noradrenaline.


  • Functions as a blood antioxidant.


Sources of copper


You can find this element in a variety of foods. Including seeds, nuts, wheat cereals, chocolate, and organ meat. One thing to note is that the amount you find in these sources varies. Here is a list showing the recommended daily intake;


  • Age | Recommended Dietary Allowances


  • Birth to 6 months | 200 mcg


  • 7–12 months | 200 mcg


  • 1–3 years | 340 mcg


  • 4–8 years | 440 mcg


  • 9–13 years | 700 mcg


  • 14–18 years | 890 mcg


  • 19+ years | 900 mcg


What happens if you don't get enough copper? The lack of this super element can lead to illnesses such as anemia, connective tissue disorder, bone defects. Individuals who lack copper are also vulnerable to infection, hypercholesterolemia, and osteoporosis. 


Copper is an essential element needed by our body to function. It promotes healthy skin, serves as an antioxidant. Asides from this, it helps maintain connective tissue integrity and plays a vital role in fighting off diseases. Civilizations of the past knew the importance of this element and used it as a drug. Try supplementing your diet today with copper and watch your overall health improve! To get quality health supplements, including copper, go to our online store today to place your order. Also, follow us on Instagram to learn more about how to improve your health through nature’s gifts.