Everything You Need To Know About The Yuka App

Do you ever find yourself grocery shopping and looking at the ingredients of a food item but not knowing how to pronounce them? Enter Yuka, the food scanner app that can help you out. With just a quick scan of the barcode, Yuka will tell you all about the information of products—including personal care products and food products. So next time you're in doubt, whip out your phone and let Yuka do the talking.
In this article, we will discuss what the Yuka App is, how it works, and why it's one of the best apps to shop for food and personal products.

General Information About Yuka App

Yuka App is a utility app that was created in 2017 and is dedicated to making grocery shopping seamless through its advanced features. Here are some important pieces of information you should know:

100% Independent Project

The Yuka App is a completely independent project which no brand or manufacturer can influence in one way or another. As an independent brand, the Yuka app makes its profit through its nutrition program, book and calendar sales, and premium app subscriptions.

Over 30 Million Downloads

The Yuka App has over 30 million downloads, which can be attributed to its ease of use and effectiveness. The app has been downloaded over 500,000 times on the Google Play Store and Apple store.

Scans Barcodes

Yuka App can scan barcodes of food and other personal products to reveal what is really inside them. It will also show you a list of ingredients and their effects on your health. Just be aware that the Yuka app only reads the ingredients on the label, and can't know what it doesn't see. You can use this detailed information to navigate grocery shopping and choose what is best for you. When a product has a negative impact on your health, Yuka also recommends similar but healthier alternative products.

Free To Download

Yuka is free to download and use, but it has premium features that can be accessed through a subscription. These features include no in-app advertising, detailed analysis of popular products, and exclusive content. The app's size is about 200 megabytes and it only requires a stable device to operate.
The app developer, Yuca SAS, also states that the app's privacy policies may include handling data linked to the user's identity and that the user can opt-out of having this data shared.

Over 3 Million Referenced Products

Yuka is home to information on over two million food products and one million cosmetic products. Each food product is evaluated according to three objectives, namely:

  1. Nutritional balance
  2. Presence of additives
  3. The organic aspect of the product

Also, the method to evaluate cosmetic products is based on the analysis of all the different ingredients used in production. Each ingredient is assigned a risk level according to the latest scientific data.

Five Major Languages

Yuka is available in five major languages: Italian, French, Spanish, English, and German.

How Does Yuka Work?

Yuka Application screen shots
Yuka offers unparalleled convenience to users because its features make it easier to select healthier products. Yuka does this by aggregating data from public sources and analyzing them with the help of a team of food experts, nutritionists, and cosmetologists.
Here is a breakdown of how Yuka works:

Data Collection

Yuka developers collect data from open databases and public sources. The data is then analyzed by a team of food experts, nutritionists, and cosmetologists, so you can make a quick judgment based on the ratings of any product.

Rating Breakdown

Yuka gives a zero to hundred rating breakdown of a product. The app also explains what the score means and what you should look for in a product. The rating scale goes from:
  • Dark green (75 to 100)
  • Light green (50 to 75)
  • Orange (20 to 50)
  • Red (0 to 25).
Users can also tap on the rating to see a breakdown of the positives and negatives ratings that explain why the product got that score, complete with links to scientific research that support it.
Also, Yuka bases its rating system on the Nutri-Score, which is a color-coded system used by many European countries to rank the nutritional quality of food products. The score goes from A (best) to E (worst). Features like high energy density, saturated fatty acids, sugar content, and salt negatively impact the Nutri-Score. However, fiber, protein content, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, rapeseed, and walnuts, positively affect the score.

Barcode Scanning

Yuka has a barcode scanner that can quickly get information about products. The app will show you the product's name, image, Nutri-Score, and Yuka's rating. You can also tap on the product to see more detailed information, including a list of ingredients and their effects on your health.


Although food labeling differs according to country, Yuka offers general guidance on what to look for on a label. Some of what the Yuka App covers is included in current labels in Europe, but the app also accounts for potentially harmful additives. For instance, if Diet Coke is green in another rating system, but it appears orange in Yuka, which rates it 41/100 because of various additives (especially E950, E951, E150d, and E338), users can tap on E950 (Acesulfame K) in Yuka to learn that it is an extreme sweetener rated negatively because it does not help with weight control and may boost metabolic disorders, such as glucose intolerance.

Offer Healthier Alternatives

Yuka also has a "Healthier Alternatives" feature for products that are rated red or orange, where it will show you similar products that have a better rating.

How Accurate Is Yuka?

Now that we know that Yuka was created to improve diet and skin health by analyzing the ingredients in food and cosmetics, it is time to understand how accurate the application is.
Yuka's main goal is to provide detailed information about product ingredients that help users in their decision-making. The accuracy of Yuka is based on the data collected from public sources and analyzed by a team of food experts, nutritionists, and cosmetologists. The recommendations have helped some users learn more about the healthier alternatives to the products they were using.

Benefits Of The Yuka App

Here are some benefits of the Yuka app:
Eat Healthy And Choose Healthy Choices: As stated earlier, Yuka uses a color code to evaluate the nutritional quality of foods. The colors will allow you, at a glance, to identify which foods are most recommended (green), which are less recommended (yellow), and those that should be avoided (red).
Diet Better:  If you're looking to lose weight, the app will also be very useful. Yuka shows the calorie content of foods and lets you know if a product is fatty, sweet, or salty.
You'll Be Sure of What You're Eating: The application breaks down all ingredients, even those that are not so healthy and those that we do not usually see when reading the labels. This way, you will be more aware of what you are consuming, and you can make better decisions.
You'll Know What's in Season: Eating seasonal foods is always a good idea, both for your health and for the environment. Yuka will tell you what fruits and vegetables are in season and where you can find them.
Educates You: Yuka gives you the option to scan the barcodes of products in the supermarket and know their nutritional value before buying them. With this, you will be able to make more informed decisions about what to put in your basket and create a balanced diet that you and your family will love!
It's Free And Easy To Use!: Yuka is a free app! Its goal is to help as many people as possible to lead healthier lives, and making the app free is the best way to do that. Yuka was also designed with simplicity in mind. It is easy to use, and it only takes a few seconds to get all the information you need about a product.

Should You Use Yuka?

Mr. In10sity recommends that everyone should use the Yuka app. The app is an excellent way to be more mindful of what you're eating and what you're putting on your skin. It's also a great way to learn more about the ingredients in food and cosmetics and make informed choices."
If you seek great products that do not have chemicals and are natural, Yuka is the app for you. Also, if you want to be more label-conscious and learn what is in your food and cosmetics, Yuka is a great tool. Lastly, if you are looking to lose weight or have a healthier lifestyle, this app will help guide your decisions.


There are thousands of applications in the market, but only a few are as helpful as Yuka. The essence of any utility app is to improve the quality of life for its users. The Yuka app does this by providing an extensive product database and educating users on what ingredients to look for in their food and cosmetics.
It is, therefore, one of the best apps around and worth your time. It isn't perfect, but it is one of the best when it comes to food and cosmetics. It has helped millions of users learn more about what they are eating and putting on their skin.